17 July 2008


Rendezvous, originally uploaded by heathercw.

Tucked in an alley just by the Peabody Hotel is Memphis' famous Rendezvous. This is, hands down, the best barbecue I've ever eaten. The ribs, generally not my favorite dish, are dry-rubbed in spices that form a hardy, moisture-sealing crust around the smoked meat. The legendary sauce unleashes the flavor of the rub nicely. TLOML and I also sampled the sandwiches (we were exhausted and famished after hours at Graceland!) and found both the pulled pork and chicken to be first rate. The real standout, however, were the baked beans, which were seasoned with chunks of the pork barbecue.

Rendezvous lives up to its reputation as one of the South's top BBQ joints with its first-rate food and rapid, no-nonsense service. Our waiter exasperatedly informed us that "you can only order beans and slaw, 'cause that's all we've got", after similarly informing us that "we've only got Michelob on tap." After I realized to just shut up and let the man bring me some food, I enjoyed one of the best meals in recent memory.

1 comment:

  1. The beer comment was actually better than Heather is reporting. After I asked what was on tap, the waiter informed me "All we got is Michelob heavy, no light, no nothin' else."
